Friday, February 5, 2016

Weekly Love

1// Isn't Valentine's the greatest? I think I enjoy the holiday more with a child than I even did with a husband-ha!

2// I'm really looking forward to Saturday being "eat ice cream for breakfast day". We plan on celebrating! I picked up the ice cream yesterday and it was on sale. Winning!

3// I got a wonderful smelling candle from two sweet students. It was a total surprise and the note said "Thanks for all you do!". How precious and unexpected!

4// I've been adding pinks and reds to my wardrobe this week. February love!

5// Jack slept through the night last night. I'm feeling very refreshed today.

6// Planning a Super Bowl menu is so much fun. I'm looking forward to the big game and all the yummy food. Go Broncos!

7// I've been getting a few things for upcoming St. Patrick's Day. I love any and all holidays except April Fool's Day. I'm not a pranker and I don't like being pranked.

8// My car hit 123456 miles. The OCD gal in me had to snap a picture and I love that this car has held out this long. Please just make it until 2017!

9// I've been jotting down a memory from the day on my calendar at work and I love it. I think it is going to be lots of fun to look back on. 

10// I'm looking forward to a nice weekend at home. No big plans which is nice. My sister and her family will come over for the Super Bowl. We will play outside some. I'll hopefully get caught up on my television shows and perhaps a name.

Y'all have a great weekend!


  1. oh man, how funny that you took a pic of the odometer! that car is really hanging in there!

  2. Any day that starts with ice cream is a good one! I always ignore April Fool's Day, too. I'm not a prankster and don't care for the holiday. This year I'll just be working hard to not have a baby on that day :)


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