Thursday, April 30, 2015

Only Child Thoughts

When I was in college my doctor told me that it would be difficult for me to get pregnant. By the grace of God I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Up until a year ago (before my marriage went south) we didn't prevent pregnancy but were not actively trying. Once we entered therapy I actively prevented pregnancy. I had always hoped to have just one more baby. The end of my marriage pretty much ended my dreams of another baby.

I'm 33 years old which doesn't make me old but I'm no where near ready for another relationship right now and I don't plan on having a baby with anyone that I'm not married to. Who am I to say what God's plan is? I just don't see having another child happening.

I'm working on making peace with that fact.

There is something about knowing that this is your one and only child that makes you feel extra attached to every phase. Once those firsts are reached, they are reached. There is no going back.

As I was weaning Jack off the bottle and we were ready to give it up for good, I planned his last bottle. I used a special glass bottle that we have had in our family for many years. I held him like a baby, loved on him, and told him how precious he was. He was growing out of the baby stage and no longer depended on me to feed him his bottle. I know that child was thinking my mama is crazy.

All moms love to see their baby flourish. I think I hold on to the sweet baby part of him even more so because I know this is my only baby. I hold him and try to soak it all in because I'll never get to hold one of my babies at this exact age. Just tonight I was holding him and thinking he isn't going to let me hold him for too many more years. I have to appreciate this time.

When Jack was an infant he rarely slept (still doesn't sleep much) and I would get miserably tired. I remember once a friend was listening to me moan about how tired and miserable I was feeling, This friend told me that this phase will pass quickly. I know I heard that many times but on this paticular day it really sunk in. It had two meanings. One, it may not seem like it now but it will get better, and two, you better hold on to this time because although you are exhausted these moments you will not get back. I decided right then that I would do my very best to remember in those most difficult times that it will get better but you also better make sure you appreciate this moment. Some of my most precious moments happened in the middle of the night. Once my attitude changed those experiences changed. I'll never forget singing country songs to Jack in the middle of the night or us dancing and even making cookie bars in the dead of night.

I'll always be thankful that God gave me Jack. As he continues to flourish, by the grace of God, I will remember to be extra aware of how amazing it is that he is mine. A part of me might always be a little sad that I'll never having another baby but hopefully Jack will get even more love and affection from me. Believe me, with this wild child, he may just need my undivided attention.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Love/Hate with Outdoors

There are not too many more amazing things then a beautiful spring day outside with family. The boys love it outside so much. They ride their little four wheeler, jump on the trampoline, chase each other, "play" baseball (that is just golf but with a baseball bat and ball);  it is all wonderful. I can sit and watch them play for a long time.

Jack would never come in the house if it were up to him. Now Bennett (my precious nephew) would be running inside once it got dark. This all sounds great, right?

Well it is great when Mama can go outside and when it isn't raining or cold outside. If we are in the house then Jack is crying at the door to go outside. If we are outside and we need to go in he throws a major tantrum and does not get over it very quickly.

It's awful seeing him get so hurt over something he really wants. I want him to love the outdoors but the constant crying to go outside, bringing his shoes to me, and fit throwing is difficult to deal with. It was a windy cooler day yesterday so I only let him play outside for about fifteen minutes after we walked next door to my sister's house. He started pitching his fit as soon as I started walking him toward the house. Once we got inside I tried to calm him by playing trains with him but he just threw them down. 

I would use outside as a punishment since it is something I know he enjoys. I'm just not sure if that is what I want to do. For one, I want him to love being outside. Also, I'm not sure how much he understands at this age. I don't want to support the tantrums. I always explain why we have to go inside, why we can't go outside, and I warn him when he has a few more minutes left to play (which I'm sure he really doesn't understand). 

What really bothers me is when we are outside and everything is all happy and I can't help but have that dread of having to take him inside. He really throws the biggest and longest fit when we go inside. It puts him in an awful mood. He has the memory of an elephant and holds a grudge. He may have gotten those attributes from me. Oops! My mom says I was the same way about outside. 

If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. Hopefully this is just a phase. Tantrums are annoying but they also break my heart because I never like to see Jack so unhappy. 

Any words of wisdom? 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

All About These Days

  • Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino in the bottle is heaven in a bottle. I finally got smart and bought the 4 pack instead of stopping at the gas station every. single. morning. 

  • The frozen Chilis food bowls. They are tastier than other frozen bowls I've tried, not gobs of calories, and are sensibly priced. 

  • After today the weather should be exceptional so I'm very excited about afternoons outside. We will grill outside and won't come in until the darkness forces us inside. 

  • Teen Mom because the show is trash and oh so good. Farrah is the definition of cray cray!

  • May! I just love the month of May. There is something going on at school every day which makes work a little more unpredictable and fun. It's nice having that from time to time. I am also enjoying thinking about all the summer stuff I want Jack and I to do. 

  • Singing kid's religious songs with Jack. I noticed the other day that he was shouting "Amen" which was not only super cute but a little shocking because he was shout singing it and throwing his fist up and then humming. I realized he was "singing" If you're happy and you know it shout Amen. Oh my gosh the cutest thing ever. Not only is it the first song I've ever heard him "sing" but him shouting "Amen" and throwing up his little fist is the cutest ever. I've been singing other songs to him and realizing that he is at least very familiar with them. Just melts my heart. 

What are you all about these days?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Just Your Average Sunday

My Mom got the bright idea to get the big bag of blocks out that had been put in storage. I don't think they snapped any two blocks together. What they did do was kick them all over the place. I finally got out the brown laundry basket and made a game of "throw the blocks in the basket". The blocks are now back safely in the storage shed.

 I got into a major cooking mood yesterday. I made ham/cheese roll sandwiches and chicken fajitas. I needed to keep Jack occupied and this did the trick. He enjoyed transfering the letters to one door to the other. 

I made 2 trips to Wal-Mart. On my second trip my Mom watched Jack and when I came back it was 4:00 and they were both sound asleep on the couch. His nap time is 11:00 but he refused to nap. On my way back to Wal-Mart I was grinning thinking about Jack heading to bed early tonight. As soon as I walked in I heard nothing, I knew it was over. I wasn't about to wake him up so instead I did a hair mask and painted my fingernails. I have to say I enjoyed my quiet time. I'm not to happy about the late bedtime that is coming tonight.

I also started the book It Was Me All Along. I'm only on chapter one as of now but I do have high hopes. It has gotten lots of great reviews.

I have to leave for work really early so my Mom is kind enough to dress and take Jack to daycare every morning. I set out his clothes in Zip Lock bags so all I do in the morning is stick that bag on my bed for her to dress him when he wakes up. It's kind of a pain on Sunday but well worth it the rest of the week.

I hope y'all have a great week! Last week kinda sucked for me so I hope things are much better this week.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Gift Idea

Yesterday was Secretaries Day. At our school we have three of the best ladies that take care of everything. I wanted to get them something useful and different. My search didn't take long. I was able to find these insulated bags at Freds for $6. Great deal!

After returning to the school, I searched Pinterest looking for a premade tag that would say some sort of thank you but also go with the insulated bag. I couldn't find the right thing so I decided to just do it myself. Picmonkey to the rescue! I made this tag to attach.

I attached the label, signed it, and sent them off to be delivered. 

They had displayed all their goodies from the day on their desks. Several people came to me expressing how much they loved this idea and our nurse even wanted to know where I bought them. A parent  saw them and wanted to know where I got the labels. They sent the mom to me and I explained to her how great Picmonkey is. 

I wanted to share this idea with you because it would work for anyone. You can make your own label through Picmonkey and change school to anything. I'm sure some people could come up with something very clever for a label. 

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Started Like a Monday and Finished Like a Saturday

Tuesdays have a reputation for being the most mellow of days. It is the day after the dreaded Monday. We have mourned the weekend being officially over. By Wednesday everyone is excited that Hump Day is here. Tuesday is known for being the sensible day.

I'm here to tell you that Tuesday fooled the heck out of me but in the end we made up.

When I woke up Tuesday I was already scheduled to go to the dentist at four so I wouldn't have to miss any work. I left the house for work with zero make-up on because my face was so sore. The 45 minute drive to work was used to pep myself up for working through the pain. After about 15 minutes of being at work I knew I wouldn't make it. Not only was I in so much pain but I was exhausted from lack of sleep and not being able to eat. Thankfully the secretary was able to get me a sub and I left there an hour later. I was also lucky because the dentist fitted me in right away.

The actual sitting in the chair part was not so great. First I found out the root canal hadn't stopped the pain because they had missed how broken the tooth was. He informed me that the tooth would have to be extracted and that I would need a bridge in about two months. The price of this is going to take half of my tax refund and the other half is going to my parents since I promised them I would pay them back the money for the divorce/custody lawyer. I'm very disappointed that Jack and I are going to have to wait longer to get our own place. I just remind myself that God has a plan that is bigger than my own.

After resting a little at home, I went and picked up Jack from daycare. He was acting like a wild hoodlum even as we were going to the car so I knew he was going to be a handful for the rest of the afternoon. When we pulled up my sister, her husband, and my nephew were outside playing. My dad was working in the garden and my mom was painting flower pots. We were not going inside! 

My parents live on 5 acres on a gravel road. Jack can run and run but he has to stay in the backyard (so he isn't anywhere near the road) and stay in front of the garden (so he is visible). My child takes off running toward the road every time he gets a chance. I then have to take off running to fetch him and then put him in time out where he screams and fights to get up. As soon as he gets out of time out there he goes again. What gets me is the child will be running toward the road, looking back as I am screaming "get back here" and running,  and he just grins and hauls butt. Finally, my dad got the boys started on a project.

I had the great idea to add a patio area in a space that is shaded and doesn't have any grass. My dad had enough blocks to get it started. Eventually it will be a 15x15 concrete space for all the seating. We are trying to talk my dad into putting a fire pit in the center of it. It would be a great spot to roast some weenies and marshmallows this summer. I can't wait to get back to working on it and show you the final product. 

After speaking with daycare today we agreed that we would both actively work with Jack on potty training. I purchased Pull Ups and also a couple pair of big boy underwear. I was so excited for him to try them on. This is the best picture I could get since this child will not stop moving. 

Well Tuesday you are officially over as I finish here. I just wanna tell you that you almost kicked my butt but in the end you did me right and I forgive you. You may have started me like a Monday, chewed me up, but at least you spit me out with the feeling of a Saturday. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Friday + Weekend

Jack is spending a few hours over at my sister's house so I am having some time to myself. I just finished the movie Wild. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It makes me want to hike and be alone with nature. During the movie I found myself thinking here this woman who is all alone in the wilderness where wild animals could attack at any given time and the most scared she was during her hike was when she encountered scary men. It's just sad that her (and I'm sure most women) first reaction to seeing a man was not one of comfort but of fear.

Last night I finished the book Weight in Silence. It was another great book! I finished it way too quickly. It catches you right from the start but once it really gets going you can't put it down. Now I'm craving a nap from staying up so late last night.

Before all the rain settled into Arkansas we were able to have a few hours outside. The boys are loving their new 4-wheeler. I have tried to get Jack to drive it but he can't seem to put enough pressure on the pedal to get it to go. He is just as happy to be riding along as Bennett drives them around.

Friday at work I broke my tooth. It was hurting so badly that I had to leave work early and go straight to the dentist. He was able to fix it for now and is going to do more work to it at a later date. For the rest of the day I was in awful pain and my mom was sweet enough to keep Jack entertained while I sat with my miserary.

Saturday morning I woke up and the pain was gone! It has come back every now and again but nothing like it was on Friday. I was even able to go to the gym Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I ran five minutes straight. I was extremely proud of myself.

Saturday afternoon my brother got this card in the mail. He is wheelchair bound and travels to work each day in his wheelchair. Someone had annoymously dropped this off at his work. The card says
When I see you travel to work each morning, in rain, snow, or hottest of days I am inspired and motivated to have my best day. Thank you and God bless. 

Inside was a giftcard to Wal-Mart for $250! The first thing he did was text my sister and I asking if we needed anything. We both told him to spend the money on himself. He is going to buy some summer clothes and stock up on groceries. The stranger who did this has put the biggest smile on our hearts. It is good to be reminded that there are great people in this world. I am inspired to be my best self now. I hope you are too.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Co-Parenting and How I Survive It

First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes Mama with the baby carriage. Oh and then comes divorce and then co-parenting. Not exactly how I envisioned things going. No one imagines that on their wedding day that a day will come when the person you are promising to spend your life with will bring you so much turmoil. Not the plan, yet here it is.

He can frustrate me beyond anything because the cord he is pulling on is one that is connected to my heart, Jack. My ex can have Jack each Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm. He comes, maybe, every other Saturday. When he is on time he brings him back within three hours. Of course, I am beyond happy to get Jack back into my arms, but at the same time it is frustrating because when he leaves with Jack I am forced to be on stand-by because I know he won't bring him back at a specific time. It's not like I can go get a pedicure because he has brought him back before after 45 minutes. Yes, he travels an hour and a half and spends that little time with him. I also mark the diaper Jack is wearing and my ex has not once changed his diaper. Thankfully, Jack hasn't been gone for very long. You see, for some reason when his dad gets him Jack always comes down with some sickness and needs to come back home. Luckily for Jack and I, Jack is miraculously better once he is home. Weird, huh?

How do I survive all this and more? Let me tell ya folks. First off, it isn't easy at all and sometimes I don't do a very good job but overall I think I handle it well. Here is how.

1. I don't call him out on his lies. Oh how I want to, really badly. He puts pictures on Facebook that I sent him and then writes his own status like he took the picture. When people are responding about what a great dad he is I just close my mouth. It doesn't benefit me to say anything. Yes it would feel good to let the world know he is a fake but my focus is Jack. Getting him angry just causes him to lash out. I'm divorcing him to no longer fight with him so why would I do it now. My mom says she would have lost it by now and she asks me frequently how I can handle not choking him. I remind her that Jack is my only focus.

2. Refuse to hash out the past. Many times when we talk on the phone he will bring up past issues. There is no reason for us to discuss our past maritial issues. He isn't always happy when I say "I don't want to discuss that" but it is always best. I made the mistake in the past of trying to discuss it and well we still can't talk about it without fighting so there isn't any point.

3. Stick to the facts. A part of me is crazy curious about what he was doing out at 1:23 am and posting pictures on Facebook of him and his friends at a bar. I have to remind myself that although I am curious that it isn't my business anymore.

4. Zip your lips as much as you can. He can piss me off faster than anyone. I went to St. Louis with two friends to see Garth Brooks and he still throws it in my face. He calls me a bad mother for leaving Jack with my parents while I went out and had fun. He also said I shouldn't be asking for child support since I had the money to spend a weekend in St. Louis. When he does pay, he pays me $25 a week. Not that I have to defend myself, but I used my Christmas bonus for that trip. The $125 that he has paid so far isn't really making me rich.

5. Have a sounding board or two. I don't like to constantly complain about my ex or his lack of parenting skills but it is nice having a few selected people and a blog to turn to when I need to let it out. Usually once I rant to my best friend or mom I feel better and can move on.

6. Keep their family out of it. I have to remind myself that regardless of how wrong he is he is still their brother, uncle, son, or grandson. His family has been very supportive of me. He and his family actually had a big falling out over his family taking my side. Once I found out I texted him and told him he really should try to make things right with his family. His mom is not in great health and the idea of something happening to her and them not talking bothers me. I never bad mouth him to his family. It wouldn't do any good and in the end it would probably make things more difficult.

7. Don't turn to social media. Facebook can be the devil at a time when relationships are tumbling. He has written some mean things about me on Facebook but I refuse to do the same. For one it is just tacky. Also, I am a teacher and it isn't the best thing to look like a crazy ranting lady. I bet you are thinking this blog is social media but he doesn't read it and neither does his family. Also, believe me, I am being really nice.

8. Remind yourself that your child is most important. During Spring Break I drove Jack to a toddler fun place in the town where his dad lives. Althought it wasn't his dad's day I still invited him to join us since we were going to be in town. Well he shows up late and asks me to pay his way in. I so wanted to say no but Jack had already laid eyes on his dad and I didn't want him to miss out on him seeing his dad. I closed my lips and paid the money. I never say mean things about his dad even though I don't think he would understand but I don't want to get in the habit.

9. Try to want what is best for him. Deep down (well maybe not that deep down) I pretty much wish the ground would swallow him whole. However, if he is going to be in Jack's life then I want good things for him. If he is going to date someone then I want that person to be a good person because that person will be around my baby. To wish bad things on my ex is to wish bad for my son.

10. Be positive. The best medicine in this whole process for me is being the happiest I can be. Not every day is easy but reminding myself that I am moving us forward in a positive direction helps. Jack needs to see me happy and as adjusted as I can possibly be. When I do find myself getting brought down I take a break. Sometimes I call a friend, write, read, or just go for a drive and have a good cry. It's nice being able to get those small breaks while living with my parents.

11. Surround yourself with a great support system. Like I said earlier I don't like to dwell on this hard time. No one wants to hear someone whine and complain all the time. When it was fresh I know my closest friends were worn out from all my agony. I kept the news from my co-workers for six months because I wanted one place where things felt normal. My friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers have been so kind to me during all this. One of the postive things from all this is that my relationship with God has strengthened. He has listened to me more than anyone. I could not imagine going through all this without such wonderful people in my life.

There are days where I am not my best self. Sometimes I say things to him that I know isn't going to help things. My main focus is the health and well being of Jack but there are moments where I am weak. I forgive myself, remind myself that I am not perfect, and move on.
A Fresh Start

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's Okay (Link Up)

Holly at Back Home Again got me feeling like I need to let it all out and just say what is okay. So here goes....

1. It's okay that I have decided to repeat week 3 of the c25K. I knew I wasn't ready to move on.

2. It's okay that I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish Big Little Lies. Man that book was amazing!

3. It's okay that I can't kick my Dr. Pepper habit.

4. It's okay that I dread Tuesday afternoons at work.

5. It's okay that I can't remember to take my allergy medicine and then end up with a headache. 

6. It's okay that I forget to take pictures. Yesterday was pajama day at Jack's daycare and I forgot to take a picture. Bad mommy, don't care.

7. It's okay that I dance while on the treadmill. I'm learning to just not care.

8. It's okay that I am very sad over the passing of Percy Sledge. I'm also thankful that I went with my mom and friend to see him in concert. It was a great night!

9. It's okay that I waited until April 13th to do my taxes.

10. It's okay that I am obsessed with writing my 101 in 1001. 

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Organized On Paper

I've attempted to make myself a get yo' self organized binder. The first thing I did was make a list of tabs I needed. I've had a binder in the past but for this season in my life I needed something a little different. My current tabs are:

  • calendar
  • blog
  • goals
  • exercise
  • work
Under calendar I just put a cute blank calendar for the rest of 2015. I will use just this tab for personal calendar events. 

  • The first two pages are from Melyssa and are my 2015 blogging goals. You can print your own here.
  • Next, I printed this blog planner I found online at

    • I'm using the monthly stats, giveaways, blog expenses, blog income, notes & ideas, and week in review pages.
  • The first thing you will find is a copy of my New Years Resolutions. 
  • I printed off this sheet for setting goals. I printed several copies. 
  • From DIY Home Sweet Home I printed off a Master To Do and a Books To Read list.
    • I'm using the Master To Do to write my 101 in 1001.
  • I added this week by week printable where I can chart my exercise. 

  • In Microsoft Word I inserted a table of the exact number of pounds I want to lose. The first box has my current weight and the last box has the weight I want to be. At work we weigh in each Friday so I will mark out the weight I no longer am. 
  • The first page is a list of my work goals (I'm still working on thinking of them and getting them all written down).
  • After my goals I have a blank monthly calendarvfor the rest of the year to write down work obligations. 
At the back of my binder I have extra copies of Week at a Glance sheets. I keep the current one filled out at the very front of my binder. The last thing in my binder is two pages to keep up with passwords. I've used a password log before and it is very helpful. For the Week at a Glance and the Password Log I used these pages from DIY Home Sweet Home. 

Do you have a binder to keep yourself organized?

10 Things I Did This Weekend

1. I did not take a single picture. You know you had a great weekend when you have zero pictures to prove of said great weekend.

2. Slept too many hours on Sunday. Jack and I took a four hour nap and it was glorious.

3. I went to the gym twice.

4. Watched one episode of SVU. I believe that is the only tv I watched all weekend.

5. Read a majority of Big Little Lies. I'm in love with it!

6. Started my 101 in 1001 list.  I need more ideas.

7. Ate fast food only once.

8. Baked banana nut muffins.

9. Ran after Jack enough that it probably equals a 5k.

10. Ignored that I haven't done my taxes.

Friday, April 10, 2015

This and That

1. Look at what my Secret Pal got me for Easter!!! It got delivered Friday afternoon to the school. Since I had left early to attend Jack's daycare Easter party I got my delivery on Monday. Such a great way to start the week.

2. Has anyone done couch to 5k? I'm at the end of week three and I'm thinking maybe I should repeat week three. If you can't remember week three it is run for a minute and a half, walk a minute and a half, run for three minutes, walk for three minutes, and then repeat. I've done it but it was hard. That three minute run about killed me. Should I even be confessing this? I am wondering if I need to do a repeat of week three to build up my stamina or do I need to just move on and push myself?

3. I won a $10 gift card to Amazon from Ashley at Everything is Hunky Dorey! I'm thinking I want to download this book. Thanks Ashley for hosting the giveaway!!!

4. I just finished this book and it was very good. There is a great message about God but also very dramatic. 

5. I've been suffering from awful headaches all week. I believe the pollen level is the culprit. I'm hoping the new regiment of allergy medicine nips this in the bud.

6. Jack's dad canceled his visitation for Saturday so I'm pumped about that. I don't get to see Jack nearly enough during the week so I'm really excited to have him to myself on Saturday. It rained quite a bit last night but it is suppose to be beautiful on Saturday. I'm looking forward to hopefully doing a lot of playing outside.

7. I'm also looking forward to some gym time. I like going more on the days I don't work. It's nice getting to go earlier in the morning when I'm not so worn out. The gym is my happy place right now.

8. I'm so proud of my friend Holly at Back Home Again for signing up for her first 5K. She is one I text when I need a little push to get my butt to the gym.

9. Yesterday I posted my Spring Wishlist and I keep finding myself going back and looking at all the things I want. I realize that I really want these things.

10. It is April 10th and I still haven't done my taxes. It was seriously on my to do list every month since February and here it is five days until they HAVE to be done. I am now forced to make myself bite the bullet and get them done over the weekend.
11. Jack has a ton of shorts but we are in serious need of some solid colored shirts to go with all these shorts. Where did all the shirts go? Did I only stock up on shorts? Now I am shopping at Children's Place and Old Navy online looking to fill this need quickly because it is hot hot hot.

12. I've realized that doing a daily devotional before you start your day really helps to calm your mind and get you focused and excited about what you are doing. Two great ladies at our school do a daily devotional where others can join in. It's a great way to come together.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring Wish List

I have gifted this necklace to a few friends and family and each of them loved theirs and now I really want one for myself. I love a lot of the jewelry at Silpade but I especially love this necklace

Wedges are all the rage right now. Since I can't stand a heeled shoe, the wedge is perfect for me. At 5'4 I always enjoy a little height. I'm loving these wedges from Target.

To keep with my shoe theme I am loving these Sanuks. I love Sanuk shoes! They come in some really cute colors also.

I love my Hobo wallet but it is time for a new one. I'm really loving this one with the wrist loop.

What is on your spring wishlist? 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Daycare Appreciation Gifts

Although Jack calls daycare "school", we have a few years before we enter big school. All the rage in May is teacher appreciation. The ladies who love, care, and teach my child Monday-Friday need lots of appreciation. Here are some of the appreciation gifts that I thought would be great to give to the wonderful ladies at Jack's daycare.

I love this idea from Gone Like Rainbows. There are several women who work with Jack so this is very affordable and super cute!

I know I enjoy Bath and Body Works so I know they would too.

I'm really loving this idea! I think a nice Bath and Body Works soap would go perfect. 

It is super hot in Arkansas in the summers so this is a very cute idea. You can also find some really cute yet affordable cups out right now. You can print the tag off by clicking here

With this idea you can really personalize it by putting whatever you want inside the jar. 

Which of these should I make for teacher appreciation?

Monday, April 6, 2015

When Did the Easter Bunny Become Santa?

As any parent does, I enjoy giving to my child. It makes me the happiest when I see Jack's face light up. He loves new toys and candy. What child doesn't, right?

When I was a child the Easter Bunny brought candy, perhaps a new shirt or piece of jewelry, a book, and maybe a few novelty Easter items. The Easter Bunny never brought us expensive toys and especially never a new bike.

As I scrolled through my Facebook feed Sunday morning I found myself gasping as Mama's posted their babies Easter basket that was filled to the brim but also overflowed into the room. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not judging them. Each family has the right to choose how much to give to their child.  I'm just concerned. As still a fairly new mom, I'm worried that I'm missing something. Did I not get my kid enough? When Jack gets to the age where friends share what the Easter Bunny brought, is his basket going to be enough?  Will he be disappointed? I will not give the Easter Bunny Santa Claus status! Are these parents competing with other parents over who will do the best basket? Maybe it is all about showering their babies with things they will love? I really don't know. What happened to the Easter Basket?

This year I even went a little overboard by using a dump truck as his basket. The reason I did this was because he was getting the truck anyways from his Nana and I didn't want him getting something so big for no reason. Maybe that was the situation for the child who got a bike?

I know I'm not the only one who saw pictures of outrageous baskets. I would post some but I don't want to offend the people I love. I'm just concerned for myself and other parents. When is it enough? Are we giving them too much? If at 3 they receive a bike from the Easter Bunny, then doesn't it take away some of the magic of Santa? 

Linking up with....

Polka-Dotty Place

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Eve 2015

We dyed eggs

Jack wants to drink the egg dye (It's safe but the blue stain...ugh!)

I took it away and he flipped out!

We decorated cupcakes

We hunted eggs

My sister announced on Facebook of her pregnancy. The baby is due on Jack's birthday!

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Daycare Easter Egg Hunt

Jack attends a church daycare Monday-Friday. They spoil him rotten (which I love). I get there a little early and while all the other kids are laying down or taking their nap Jack is outside helping to hide Easter eggs. All of these pictures were taken before the Easter egg hunt began. I loved being able to get some pictures beforehand so I could focus on Jack during the hunt.