Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 2 Goals and Week 1 Recap

Week One Goals
1. Turn off utilities to old house after cleaning it. 
We never made it back to the old house so nothing there got done.

 2. Order cupcakes for Jack's class.
Complete! The party was a success!

 3. Complete papers from lawyer.
Big fat negative!

 4. Walk 3 days.
Nope! I'm going to have to figure out something else. By the time I get home it is getting dark. I haven't seen Jack all day so I don't want to leave him to go workout. I'm not sure how to fix this issue so I can workout but I need to do something.

 5. Start a new book. I miss reading.
I did start a new book but I don't really like it so I think I need to throw it out and just start a new one.

Week Two Goals
1. Bring my lunch to work everyday this week.

2. Get EVERYTHING ready for Math/Literacy night by Friday.

3. Finish Thanksgiving planning by Friday. During the weekend send out information.

4. Lay out Jack's clothes the night before school.

5. Make sure the kitchen is clean before I go to bed.

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