Wednesday, August 10, 2016


I love a good confessions post and this week I'm in real need. It has been a tough one.

1// Jack hasn't been sick not one day all summer and my second day of inservice at school and daycare calls to say the stomach bug is going around and I need to pick up Jack because he has had three bouts of diarrhea. I had to leave early and it was a little embarrassing because it was only day two.

2// Jack found a blue sharpie and decorated a chair, my bedding, and himself. He was so proud but I was not. He said, "look Mom, it's soooo pretty".

3// I've already been looking on Pinterest for possible Halloween costumes for Jack.

4// Sunday I wore glasses for the first time since 5th grade. I put them on and not one person mentioned them all day. I felt like Chandler on Friends when the same thing happened to him.

5// I got up yesterday morning at 4:30 and made homemade brownies. I couldn't sleep so baking seemed like a good idea.

6// I hate when bloggers use the word digress. I'm not even sure why, but I do.

7// I had to speak up for myself at work the other day. It is something I don't like to do. I can be a pushover but something came over me. It felt good but still a little uncomfortable. I'm the Meg Ryan character in You've Got Mail. I need a pep talk before I have to confront someone. This was a on the fly kinda thing and I'm proud of myself. I was respectful but firm. Some people have no trouble stepping up for themselves and I need to be more like that. In this instance I was defending a coworker so it came easier for me. So one of my goals for this school year is to be more intentional about speaking up, saying no, and not being taken advantage of.

8// Over the weekend I had my sister's two kids. I couldn't find Jack and I found him like this. There was actual formula in there. How gross! He was being still and quiet so I just left him.

9// I got another job title at work. I am now also the technology coordinator for our school. It isn't much extra money but I'll take it since I've been doing the work for free anyways.

10// My mom wears dentures and I found this rascal in the bathroom the other day. Lord help me.


  1. Oh, yea...we got the PBK Halloween magazine and Wyatt quickly informed me that he wants to be Darth Vader! We'll see...I don't see him liking a mask. ha!

  2. Sorry to hear that Jack got sick right when you went back to school. That's no fun for either of you. Your naughty stories sound familiar. I have to keep sharpies locked up because Olive does the same thing. Isn't it funny what they find fascinating!?!? Good job for sticking up for yourself and your coworker. I'm sure she appreciated it and it feels good to do the right thing :)

  3. Anytime someone uses the word digress I roll my eyes. I can't help it. It's just like "what the hell ever people".

  4. Jack!!! Oh, that boy keeps you on your toes! These are the days we're going to miss one day...or something like that. Ha!!
    Now, I'm nervous I may have used the word digress. Probably not though, because I'm not sure I could even use it in a sentence.


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