Thursday, February 22, 2018

18 in 2018

1. Keep a reading log
2. Teach Jack how to write his last name
3. Walk/run a 5K
4. Reach Level 600 of Candy Crush
5. Read the Bible in chronological order
6. Get hair cut/dyed professionally
7. Give up soda for 30 days
8. Try Revitalu Brew for 30 days
9. Finish 2 Bible studies
10. Send in applications for jobs closer to home
11. Jack and I move into our own home
12. Take Jack to Chuck E. Cheese
13. Take some sort of class (online or in person)
14. Teach Jack 25 sight words
15. Keep a prayer journal for at least 30 days straight
16. Write a summer to do list
17. Write a family vision statement with goals
18. Donate blood

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Goal Getters

At the first of the year, my friend Candi and I decided to search for a few gals who wanted to work with us on planning, setting, and achieving goals. We found two other like-minded girls who wanted to make some serious change in 2018. 

What I really love about this small group of 4 is that we didn't all know each other before. We all come from different situations and the one thing we for sure have it common is that we like to keep it real. 

Our first meeting was in January. We met at Heather's (because her three kids were gone at the time). We each brought planners, notebooks, stickers, pens, pencils, and other supplies. We took turns just speaking our current situations and what we would like to change. As a group we helped that person define exactly what they wanted to change. Before we left that night, each of us had three to five things they wanted to change about their lives. 

Our homework was to write our current reality for each goal and what progression would look like. Each month we are to update the current reality to see our progress. Here is an example:

  1. Improve overall health
Current Reality:
  1. Drink too much Dr. Pepper
  2. Exercise is non existence
  3. Have a gym membership that I don’t use
  4. Don’t eat breakfast or lunch most days
  5. Eat way too much before bed
  6. Overweight
Current Reality (February)
  1. I drink an occasional Dr. Pepper
  2. I’ve only worked out once
  3. Still don’t use gym membership
  4. Have cut out before bed eating
  5. I’ve lost a few pounds
  6. Joined Weight Watchers but still haven’t attended an actual meeting

  1. No more sodas
  2. Exercise routine
  3. Eat breakfast and lunch
  4. Pack lunch for school
  5. Get to a healthy weight
  6. Have more energy

Last night we met again for our February meeting. Candi hosted, and since is an amazing cook, we ate great. So much for healthy eating! We all agreed this would be our cheat meal.

You know those 101 in 1001 lists out there? Well we decided to each make an 18 in 2018 list. We shared a couple of different ideas and will report out during our March meeting. I'll share mine here tomorrow. 

Here are my goals for 2018:
1. Improve overall health
2. Reduce Debt
3. Grow spiritually
4. Be more intentional with Jack
5. Enhance my overall appearance

Our little group is named the Goal Getters and we have started a Facebook messenger group where we share ups and downs, motivation, and ideas. 

Accountability is key to my success!