Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Typical Day

Today I wanted to give you a glimpse into my everyday life.

My alarm is set Monday-Friday for 5:33. I'm not sure why 5:33 but it got set this way and now it is automatic.

This is what I see beside me. Oh the sweetness.

I grab my morning basket and head to the bathroom. As soon as I get in there I plug up my straightener. My morning basket has my deodorant, toothbrush, body lotion, face creams, and dry shampoo. After I handle all that business I go and get dressed. Next, I do my make-up and do final touches on my hair.

Once I am all ready, I make sure I have Jack's clothes laid out. I grab my lunch and head out the door.

My drive to work takes 45 minutes. I try to get to work between 7:15-7:30. 

The first hour of school is my conference period. I try to take care of all my daily business like passing out Chromebooks to teachers who need them, find books that teachers need for lessons, and running reports. 

From 8:50-11:45 I have a second, third, fourth, and fifth grade class. My lunch runs from 11:45-12:25. I quickly scarf down my lunch and head out to walk. Sometimes I walk in the gym if it is raining or too cold. 

My afternoons vary a little. I have usually 4 classes or 3 classes and meetings. 

Every afternoon I have bus duty from 3:30-3:45. 

Now I have a 45 minute drive back home but have to drive an extra 10 minutes to pick up Jack from daycare. 

As soon as Jack and I get home he wants a snack. I sit him down for his afternoon snack and then I will go make my bed, change clothes, and then get to either laundry or dishes. 

After Jack's snack he is ready to play with Mama. It is usually trains or he wants me to sit down with him and play a game on his Kindle Kids Edition (which I love because children's games are already downloaded on it). If Jack starts playing on his own I try to sneak in a few minutes of blogging time. 

Around six o'clock I put supper together and we eat anywhere between 6;30-7:00. 

Right after supper is Jack's bath. He doesn't get a full on bath every single night but we usually end up in the tub because he is such a messy eater. 

I get him ready for bed and then we play for another 30 minutes. Around 8:00 we get into bed with a cup of juice and watch Thomas the Train. I leave the room and usually head straight for the couch. I'm ready to watch a little tv. After about 30 minutes he is sound asleep. I usually stay awake for an hour. I bullet journal, watch tv, blog, read blogs, play games on my phone. I just want to relax. Then it is bath time for me and then bed. 

Ah, glorious bed!

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed with your early morning wake up call! I always tease my hubby for setting his alarm to add times so I laughed when you said yours is set to 5:33. Looks like you've got a good routine going that works for everyone :)


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